Workshop & Conference – 2023

Workshop & Conference, Athens, 5-8 December 2023

Youth Employment in Transition:

Regional Perspectives within successive crises

Workshop & Conference photos & article

At the city and the venue, where everything started two years ago, the Cowork4YOUTH project will be holding its final event to mark its successful conclusion!

Three days of intensive and thought-provoking discussion will shed light upon aspects of the phenomenon of young NEETs (Not in Employment, Education or Training) in tourism-dependent areas and regions in transition, as well as potential solutions through alternative sectors of the economy.

An audience comprising academics, politicians, and practitioners in social intervention projects will discuss the outputs of the Cowork4YOUTH and the road ahead of us!

The workshop of the Cowork4YOUTH, in a hands-on approach, will present those outputs of the project that are instrumental to the work of practicioners in youth labour. Two busy days will bring together researchers and representatives of NGOs in a thoughtful discussion on how better address issues pertaining to fieldwork.

The conference of the Cowork4YOUTH project will present its outputs, marking the successful completion of its implementation. Government and local authorities’ officials, along with representatives from the FO, will address the audience, followed by presentations regarding the project’s studies and scientific papers, and will conclude with a round table discussing the policy recommendations.



05 – 06 December 2023. Romantso Athens, Greece

Attendance: Public

Find the detailed programme here


7 December 2023. Impact Hub Athens, Greece

Attendance: Public

Find the detailed programme here

8 December 2023. Impact Hub Athens

Final Steering Committee

Attendance: Representatives of the Cowork4YOUTH project partners