Open Event in Dublin – 2023

Open Event in Ireland

May 11th, 2023

Cowork4YOUTH’s Open Event on May 11th at the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) in Dublin, themed “Employment Opportunities for Young People”, turned to be a very successful event; not only in terms of outcomes regarding the discussions around important research findings on the main subject, but also regarding the publicity and consequently the public interest it attracted. 

The event included presentations from academics who are involved in youth unemployment research, organizations that work with youths towards fulfilling their job aspirations and a panel that consisted of representatives of relevant government departments and state agencies. Also, in line with Cowork4YOUTH’s synergy policy, aiming to promote exchange of knowledge and good practices, the StayOn project, also funded by the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment participated in the event. 

[for the full article, visit Youth Employment’s Magazine issue 38 here]