
PhD on impact of youth employment policies with emphasis on co-working & RnD policies

This output regards the submission of a PhD thesis 1st draft on the impact of youth employment policies (e.g. Youth Guarantee) across less-developed peripheral regions (e.g. insular, decarbonised) with an emphasis on sharing/co-working and RnD policies. The doctoral researcher will focus on practices such as socially-centered platform economies and co-working spaces as-‘learning middlegrounds’ and RnD policies. The objective is an in-depth analysis of the relation between the aforementioned policies or practices and to support a young scientist to increase his/her capacity in policy impact evaluation, especially when it comes to youth employment. The output will support the pertinent report and scientific papers but will ultimately delve deeper.

PhD draft submitted

PhD on youth employment policies in less developed areas focusing on skills-gap and brain-drain

This output regards the submission of a PhD thesis 1st draft on the impact of youth employment policies (e.g., Youth Guarantee, other Public Employment & Education Initiatives) across the binary of less developed peripheral EEA regions (i.e. insular, decarbonised) with an emphasis on the effects of skills gap and brain drain. The objective of the research is to understand the extent and determinants of out-migration of the skilled and unskilled youth due to lack of employment opportunities and skill mismatches and, on the other hand, to support a young scientist and the hosting organisation to increase their impact studies capacity. The output will support the pertinent report and scientific papers but will delve deeper.

PhD draft submitted

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